SED Punjab

Federal Govt Announces Public Holiday On 25 May 2023

Federal Government has announced a public holiday on 25 May 2023 across the country. All public and private institutions including educational institutions will remain closed. As per media reports, the Federal government wants to observe “Youm-e-Takreem Shuhada-e-Pakistan” on 25th May 2023 in all provinces to commemorate and honor the sacrifices of the martyrs who laid down their lives for the defense and sovereignty of Pakistan.

Pakistan is a land of martyrs and warriors.  On this day, the nation will pay tribute to all those martyrs and warriors who have sacrificed their lives in various wars, conflicts, and acts of terrorism to protect their homeland from its enemy. All the nation will remember the sacrifices of these brave soldiers. There will be recitation of the Quran and prayers for the martyrs, while the Pakistan Army, police and other law enforcement agencies will salute the martyrs’ memorial. A special ceremony will be held at DHQ Rawalpindi.

All public and private educational institutions including schools, colleges and universities will remain closed on 25th May 2023(Thursday) as per media reports.. The federal and provincial governments have not yet issued the notification in this regard. As soon as notification issues, TMS will share it in this post. So wait till the issuance of notification patiently. The following notification regarding public holiday on 25th May is Fake.

Public holiday on 25 May 2023

Public Holiday On 25 May As Per Media Reports.

Public Holiday On 25 May 2023


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