SED Punjab

E-Transfer 2023 Is Open Now For Public School Teachers

A new round of E-Transfer 2023 for all categories (except open merit) is open now for public school teachers. Applications can be submitted through School Information System (SIS) from 26th May 2023 to 2nd June 2023. The SIS portal has been opened after the completion of the following essential task.

  • Tagging of all promoted teachers
  • Updation of SNC posts in newly upgraded schools
  • Correction of Teachers Data (If Any)
  • Updation of Data Of Retired Teachers

E-Transfer 2023 round is open for the promotion of different categories of teachers, awaiting posting teacher officers, hardships (Divorce, Widow, Wedlock, Marriage, Disability, Medical) and mutual for all teachers. The teachers who want to apply on OPEN MERIT will have to wait till the next round of e-transfer. All CEOs are instructed to complete this e-transfer 2023 round with merit and transparency. The complete timeline of E-transfer 2023 round is given below.

Sr.# Categories Of Transfer Submission Of Applications Verification Process Appeals Decision On Appeals By Review Committee Orders
1 All Except Open Merit 26th May 2023 to 2nd June 2023 3rd June to 7th June 2023 8th June to 12th June 2023 13th June to 17th June 2023 20th June 2023

All teachers who fall in one of the following categories of transfer are eligible to apply

Promotion Of Different Categories
✅ Wedlock/Marriage
✅ Disability/Medical
✅ Divorced
✅ Widow

Please Note the Following Keypoint Before Submission the Application For E-Transfer 2023 Round

  1. All promoted teachers/officers are instructed to select the maximum number of preferences for promotion  on SIS. In case of failure, they will be posted/adjusted against schools in desperate need.
  2.  Teachers can’t apply on OPEN Merit, although it was mentioned that All Categories/General transfer would be opened in the next transfer round.
  3. As per SED Policy, teachers can’t apply for Mutual Transfer if the tenure in the current school is less than one year(27 July 2022)
  4. Teachers deputed for election responsibilities would be required to carry out their tasks as given by the Election Commission of Pakistan in their prior location of posting. Concerned Head Teachers/DDOs and the CEO (DEA) will be held accountable for adhering to the directive. In case of non-compliance, disciplinary proceedings will be initiated under PEEDA Act.

How To Apply For E-Transfer 2023?

Download the School Information System(SIS) app from Google PlayStore. If you already have it, update it with the latest version and do the following action.

etranfer 2020 etranfer 2020 etranfer 2020





E-Transfer 2023


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