SED Punjab

Instructions Regarding Submission Of ACRs

Directorate Of Public Instructions(EE) Punjab Lahore has issued a notification on May 24 2021, in connection with “Countersignature On PERs Of Teaching Staff And Their Uploading On SIS” and issued the following directions to all Chief Executive(CEOs) Of Punjab.

(1)Through a number of complaints received from different corners it has learnt that in the field offices, teachers are facing problems in getting countersignature on their performance evaluation reports(PERs) to update in HRMIS.

(2)The matter has seriously been viewed. In this regard you are directed to make it simple and easy for all teachers through establishing PERs desks in CEO office, where all such teachers who have not yet got countersigned their PERs will submit their PERs for countersignature from the concerned countersigning officer.

(3)The incharge / focal person of the desk shall provide these PERs to the concerned countersigning authority through special messenger and after countersignature, the countersigning authority will provide PERs to HMRIS team for scanning.

(4)The needful may be done without further loss of time and ensure completion of process well before 30.06.2021 so that PERs could be uploaded on HRMIS till 30.06.2021 without fail. 

(5)The teachers who are going to be retired within one year and they do not fall in the list of promotion candidates may be exempted from completion of PERs.


Instructions Regarding Submission Of ACRs

(1)All Pages must be readable.

(2)If the teachers are still contractual then they have to submit ACR of last 5 years.

(3)If Teachers are near to retirement (*having age of 58 years and not falling in Promotion Zone*) then they are exempted.

(4)Matric/PTC teachers (“Not having M.A+B.Ed Degrees) are exempted.

(5)Page numbers should be given on each page of ACR separately for each teacher and attach checklist with total Number of Pages on it instructions page included).

(6)PST and ESTs will submit the ACRs of last 5 years.

(7) SST in promotion zone will submit ACR for whole service

(8)SS, SSS & HEADs will submit for current post/ current cadre only,

(9)ACRs must be complete and counter-signed by the concerned authority.

(10) All ACRs will be received through the HRMIS* system only. 

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