SED Punjab

School Education Department Punjab Issued Important Instructions

(4)Availing Of Casual/Short Leave

 School Education Department issued a notification dated 29 May 2020 in connection with “Availing Of Casual/Short Leave” and issued directions to Competent Authority that officers/officials of School Education Department must obtain prior approval from their officer incharge before availing causal leave(s). However, in case of any emergency, they must inform their officer incharge through SMS via WhatsApp

SED further directed that these instructions may also be conveyed to all subordinate staff for strict compliance in letter and spirit.


 School Education Department issued a notification dated 29 May 2020 in connection with “Instruction Regarding Observance of Accessibility And Punctuality In-Office Timing” and to state that it has been observed that office timings are not being followed by the officers/officials, in accordance with government instructions. Needless to emphasize that it result in poor disposal of official business and adversely affect the public service delivery.

SED Punjab further directed to Competent Authority to ensure office timings/punctuality in your respective offices in its true spirit for greater efficiency and better administration of the Department, as well as service delivery. Additional Secretaries will be responsible to ensure punctuality in their respective wing and attendance register should be submitted to them by 10.00 (AM). Warning may be issued to latecomers and if they do not improve punctuality, they may be proceeded under relevant provisions of law.



 School Education Department issued a notification dated 29 May 2020 in connection with “Office Attendance” and to state that Competent Authority has directed that all officers of School Education Department will attend office regularly w.e.f. 01.06.2020 along with their essential staff.

It is, therefore requested to bring the contents of this letter to the notice of all staff under your control for their information and strict compliance.

(4)Direction For Observance Of SOPs And Cleanliness

 School Education Department issued a notification dated 29 May 2020 in connection with “Direction For Observance Of SOPs And Cleanliness” and to state that in the wake of Covid-19 being declared as “Pandemic” by Government of Pakistan and multiple incidents in the Province all officers and officials irrespective of their designations are hereby directed to strictly observe the following preparedness, readiness and responsive actions and ensure that officials under control of respective offices should also comply with the same:

  • 1.Dusting of official files on a daily basis.
  • Wearing of masks
  • Cleaning of the tables.
  • Frequent washing of hands with soap Coating of hands vid Dettol / sanitizers frequently.
  • No handshakes
  • Avoid close contact, maintain social distancing
  • No public gatherings / get together
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid touching face, eyes, mouth and nose
  • While sneezing/coughing cover your mouth with your bent elbow.
  • In case of cough, breathing difficulty, fever or flu avoid attending offices and consult your doctor immediately.
  • Observe the same precautions while in office in transport and at your home.

SED Punjab


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